Oh Me, Oh My, The Turner Farm has been asked to...

Where have I been?  Just a few short weeks ago, I discovered a whole new world. BLOGGING.  How thrilled I am to find so many beautiful ladies with the same love of old, rusty junk.  One of the first blogs that I found was Alchemy Junk. Wow, what a great blog, I love the style of this gal.  Stephanie, has developed a fun, unique idea and has asked that Welcome to the Turner Farm blog be involved. 

I love, love, love the idea.

 I was excited beyond belief with the concept.  Nervous beyond belief to be asked to participate.  My initial response was, how can I?  We are in the process of building, there are many parts of the farmhouse still in the beginning stages of construction, far from the stage of decorating.  
 Guess what? 

 I am a participant and I am thrilled.  

 I gave myself a good chatting to and realized that my love of junk and finding gals with that same love was far more thrilling than the fact that our farmhouse is a work in process.  What an oppurtunity this is for participants and voters alike. To have the inspiration and creations of all these beautiful junking gals in one spot for 10 weeks.  BE STILL MY HEART.  Starting February 28, tune in every week to view the incredible creations of my fellow participants:

Fix your self a cup a tea and curl up in your favorite chair, stop in and say Hi to these beautiful, creative ladies.



  1. Awesome, Laurie! Congrats! Can't wait to check these out :) -Tammy

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  3. I share your jitters for what it's worth!

    I was so nervous I typed a typo first time. See??? :)


  4. That is FANTASTIC! I'm so happy for you. Don't be nervous! Isn't it the truth....a few weeks ago, you start blogging...the next thing you know, you are meeting fantastic kindred spirits and doing things you'd never dream of. Love it.


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